Hi friends,

I’m Bridgit! A systems geek, landlord and tech lover.

On this site we explore the strategies and tools that help us live happier, healthier, more productive lives.

And over at Friendzone – my weekly newsletter – I share actionable tips and practical landlord life advice. Sign up below if you want to join a growing community of friendly readers.

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Friends are everywhere if you meet people where they are, not where you want them to be.

– Chinese Proverb


Calgary is home because I grew up travelling the world. I’ve found a home here that understands, “It’s not what you know or who you know. It’s about the attitude that you bring.”


As Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Keynote, Mark has helped develop workshops and programs that have transformed the lives of men and women, and altered the course of education throughout the country and across the world.


As Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Keynote, Mark has helped develop workshops and programs that have transformed the lives of men and women, and altered the course of education throughout the country and across the world.


Mark’s story of transforming his own life into a full and successful life is the inspiration behind her topics around teaching others that it is possible to do the same through education. He enjoys teaching the importance of education as a whole.

Your first consultation is on me